This package is available on disk or from many of the online services.
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Some anti-virus software is not compatible with the QuicKeys Updater.
The QuicKeys updater disks are checked against potential viruses before shipping. We recommend that you follow the steps below:
1.) To be safe, use your anti-virus software to double check that your disks are virus free before you install the software.
2.) Disable the anti-virus software by dragging its INIT from the System Folder to the Desktop and Restart your system.
3.) Install this update as instructed below.
4.) Drag the anti-virus INIT back into the System Folder and restart the machine.
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To update QuicKeys 2.1.x to version 2.1.2a, open the Control Panel, select QuicKeys 2, click the “Configure…” button and make a note of the Buffer size. You will need to reset the Buffer to this size after installing version 2.1.2a. Close the Control Panel.
Launch the "Updater QK 2.1.x -> 2.1.2a" application found on this disk or with this Read Me file. (Just double-click its icon.) Click the “OK” button to proceed. You will be asked to show the location of QuicKeys 2. Select the folder, drive or floppy disk where QuicKeys 2 is located and click “Open.”
When the Updater is finished, restart your Macintosh. The update will take effect after you restart. This Updater will not update any other versions of QuicKeys, including demo versions.
Updating will not affect your current keysets.
Updating will set the size of the QuicKeys 2 buffer to 8K. If it was previously set to a larger size, open the Control Panel, select QuicKeys 2, click the “Configure…” button and select the previous buffer size. If you do not reset the buffer, your keysets might not load or you may get errors. Restart your computer after resetting the buffer.
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• QuicKeys is now compatible with Microsoft Word 5.0.
• Multiple sequences now queue up correctly.
• QuicKeys no longer causes problems if you hit multiple page-movement keys.
• Random text no longer appears as part of the keystroke definition if you create a Menu/DA shortcut for a dimmed Apple Menu item.
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• QuicKeys 2 now is compatible with System 7’s virtual memory.
• Earlier versions of QuicKeys 2 did not allow you to adjust the click speed. QuicKeys clicks occurred too quickly for some Microsoft products. QuicKeys 2.1.1 allows you to delay the click speed through the Control Panel. In earlier versions of QuicKeys 2, a sequence using many clicks occasionally had problems where final clicks occurred in random screen positions. The final clicks will no longer “get lost” if you open the QuicKeys 2 Control Panel, click the “Configure…”, click the “Set speeds” button and increase the delay value in the Adjust Click Speed column.
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QuicKeys and QuicKeys 2 are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
CE Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 65580
West Des Moines
Iowa 50265 U.S.A.
(515) 224-1995
FAX: (515) 224-4534
QuickMail: (515) 224-1721
Technical Support: (515) 224-1953
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AppleLink - Third Parties (visible with AppleLink v6.0 or later) - CE Software
America Online - Industry Connection (keyword: cesoftware)
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GEnie - CE Software Round Table - (go page 1005, the command is "m1005")
CONNECT - Vendor Support - CE Software (no keywords)